Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Author : Kochevitsky, George A.
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : serially (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music. 1996 168p
2. Kochevitsky, George A.The Art of Piano Playing - A Scientific Approach. 1967 68p
3. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- The Choice of an Instrument. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 33-37
4. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Phrasing. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 28-32
5. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Articulation. Bach 4 1 Jan 1973 21-25
6. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Tempo. Bach 4 2 Apr 1973 22-24
7. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Notes Inégales: A Brief History and a Summary. Bach 4 4 Oct 1973 27-35
8. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments. Part I Bach 5 3 Jul 1974 37-40
9. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments. Part I (Continued). Bach 5 4 Oct 1974 25-30
10. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part III, The Trill. Bach 6 1 Jan 1975 24-35
11. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part IV, The Appoggiatura. Bach 6 2 Apr 1975 27-40
12. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part V, Acciaccaturas and Broken Chords. Part VI, Mordents and Inverted Mordents. Bach 6 3 Jul 1975 20-35
13. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part VII, The Turn and the Slide. Part VIII, Compound Ornaments. Part IX, Additional Remarks. Bach 6 4 Oct 1975 23-29
14. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Dynamics. A Postscript. Bach 7 1 Jan 1976 3-11
15. Kochevitsky, George A.More on Articulation in J. S. Bach's Keyboard Music. Bach 8 1 Jan 1977 25-29

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita